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About Us

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Our Mission

We are dedicated to empowering refugee and ESL children with with the skills they need to thrive in a brighter, more Fluent Future. Through our innovative programs and partnerships, we aim to bridge the language divide and create opportunities for all. 

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"give a man a fish & he will eat for a dayteach a man how to fish & he will eat for a lifetime"

"My mom is half Ukrainian, half Russian & my dad is Bengali. My parents immigrated to the U.S. just a few years before I was born, giving me the privilege of growing up enriched by their native tongues.


"I began teaching my Ukrainian 8-year-old niece, Dasha, English over Zoom, because english classes are financially burdensome for refugee families such as hers"

Melissa Chowdhury



high school students

where passion and story meet

Run by high-schoolers in New York City, Fluent Futures aims to pair bilingual teens with refugee and ESL children across the world.

We dedicate our time to share our privilege and knowledge of the universal language: English. As one of the most valued skills globally, many refugees and immigrants struggle to learn this necessity. Not only does it make communication significantly easier, most refugees struggle immensely to find a job and the ability to simply speak english opens the door to a world of endless possibilities.


We believe every child deserves the opportunity to thrive academically and build themselves a foundation for success, through the power of education. 

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